Support Friends of Bayley Beach 501(c)3

  • Friends of Bayley Beach

    $100 -$999 in donation.

    Your name will be featured on our website and social media handles.

    You will also receive a FBB magnet bumper sticker.

  • Skipper

    $1,000 - $2,499 in donation.

    You will receive a named buoy on the FBB buoy wall in the updated playground area.

  • Fleet Captain


    Named recognition on our donor plaque in the new playground area.

    Name featured on website and social handles.

    Named buoy on the FBB buoy wall.

  • Rear Commodore

    $5,000 - $9,999

    Named bench, picnic table, Adirondack chair, or tree.

    Invitation to our Grand Opening Cocktail Party.

  • Vice Commodore

    $10,000 - $19,999

    Small playground structure naming right available.

    Invitation to our Grand Opening Cocktail Party.

  • Commodore


    Mid-size to larger playground structure naming rights.

    Invitation to our Grand Opening Cocktail Party.

To donate: Please mail check to

Friends of Bayley Beach, Rowayton

P.O. Box #19

Rowayton, CT 06853

You can also donate via credit card, Google pay, or direct bank transfer on the website. All donations are tax deductible.