Friends of Bayley Beach FAQ

Got a question?  Here are some of the most common questions we get about Friends of Bayley Beach (FBB)

  • Bayley Beach exists due to a private land transfer to the 6th Taxing District and as a result is not funded by the City of Norwalk. The Sixth Taxing District (6TD) provides funding for maintenance and upkeep but cannot always not take on the full amount for these capital improvements. Community members have come together to help facilitate updates to this valuable town amenity utilized by all ages. We will be approaching 6TD for a grant to support the project but private funding is still needed.

  • Yes, FBB is working in partnership with the 6TD to improve Bayley Beach. FBB has attended numerous 6TD meetings throughout 2022 and 2023, and has received approval and support to pursue plans for the expansion and renovation.

  • No, the Town of Norwalk does not provide funding for Bayley Beach improvements, due to its unique status as a private land owned by the 6TD.

  • FBB chose the playground as the initial project because it is need of repair and there is an influx of young families in town. Any remaining funds from this round, if any, will go towards a future project. Future projects will be selected based on community input, feedback from the 6TD, and available funds. We are excited to welcome community members’ input for these future projects.

  • FBB has officially received our 501(c)3 status. All donations are tax deductible.

  • If you are interested in getting involved, with fundraising or by donating your professional expertise to this effort, please email us at We will be looking for lots of different types of donations, including in-kind donations if you feel you or your company can provide goods or services for the playground.

    Currently, we are in need of contracting services, landscapers, a non-profit lawyer, an old boat to make a play element, tree stumps, and any other fun play elements you might want to donate!

  • The current playground was built in 2006 and added onto in 2016, and has reached the end of its anticipated lifespan of 10-20 years due to the harsh environment at the beach. The playground was inspected in the Fall of 2022, some updates were made to temporarily make the playground safer. However, all the structures are in need of replacement.

  • We would like to have the playground ready for Summer 2025.

    This timeline is tbd on how quickly we receive our 501(c)3 status and can raise the funds.

  • FBB has formed a design committee, led by a local architect. Working with Land Canvas Landscape Architects, initial designs have been completed taking into account the site’s environmental requirements, ADA needs, and accommodating all age groups.

  • Yes, FBB has received permission from the 6TD to expand the playground footprint beyond the current structure. The playground will incorporate empty land between the existing kayak racks and the Weeburn Beach Club fence going as far out as the “big rock” before reaching the baseball field.

    The current fenced are is 4500 sq. ft. This will be expanded to 13000 sq ft.

  • The expanded footprint will allow for play areas for 3 distinct age groups in the initial designs. Children from 0-12 will be able to enjoy the new space.

  • No. Unfortunately, there are limitations to the design and materials that can be used for the playground flooring due to the environmental parameters of the site.

  • The demolition and install process should take about 2 weeks, so the playground won’t be closed for more than a couple weeks.

  • Yes! We are excited to announce we have already received a grant from the RCA for $25,000. Thank you RCA! We are applying for many other grants as well to support funding.

    Know any grants we should apply for?Please reach out!

    Expert in grant writing? Please reach out!